Happy Christmas Everyone!
Although we haven't been able to be as active as we would have liked with fundraising this year, it doesn't mean the charity has been idle. We wanted to share a small update on our activities as this eventful year draws to a close.

In February, through a connection with CHAL (Christian Health Association of
Liberia) we purchased a microscope for a medical centre in Liberia. They were very grateful as their existing one was broken and needed urgent replacement to help them with their valuable work. They said it will help them save many lives. A lovely thought from so far away.
This summer saw the 5th annual Matt Carapiet Award for Humanitarian Architecture presented at the University of Nottingham. The winner this year was Freya Chitty for her project on retrofitting a disused art deco 1930s bus depot, providing the most vulnerable people in society (addicts), particularly the homeless, with progressive mid-term ‘housing’ accommodation and medical support. A truly deserving project.
We continue to support the Langtang Valley Medical Centre in Nepal - providing some top-up funding for two medical assistants - and this year we have also provided funds for a temporary second clinic higher up the mountain. So far in 2020, over 800 patients have been treated. The clinics also provide family planning and health check-up services.
We still have a few other projects on the horizon including the building of a new dental facility and a fresh water system and will post more information about these once they are started.
We all hope everyone has a peaceful Christmas break - stay safe and healthy.